The rebirth of this hundred-year-old icon was a six-year process that included re-inventing the acoustics, enhancing the functionality, and nearly doubling its size, while echoing the memory and visual identity of the original.

The new structure, spanning 124 feet, was prefabricated off site and craned into position. The master plan was designed to rationalize and integrate eight decades of unplanned growth.
The rebirth of this hundred-year-old icon was a six-year process that included re-inventing the acoustics, enhancing the functionality, and nearly doubling its size, while echoing the memory and visual identity of the original.

The new structure, spanning 124 feet, was prefabricated off site and craned into position. The master plan was designed to rationalize and integrate eight decades of unplanned growth.
The rebirth of this hundred-year-old icon was a six-year process that included re-inventing the acoustics, enhancing the functionality, and nearly doubling its size, while echoing the memory and visual identity of the original.

The new structure, spanning 124 feet, was prefabricated off site and craned into position. The master plan was designed to rationalize and integrate eight decades of unplanned growth.
The rebirth of this hundred-year-old icon was a six-year process that included re-inventing the acoustics, enhancing the functionality, and nearly doubling its size, while echoing the memory and visual identity of the original.

The new structure, spanning 124 feet, was prefabricated off site and craned into position. The master plan was designed to rationalize and integrate eight decades of unplanned growth.